
聖誕禮物來了!iPad Air 2 通過台灣 NCC 認證

目前市場上功能最強、外型最漂亮、運用軟體生態最豐富、性價比最高的平板電腦 iPad Air 2,根據 NCC審驗資料顯示,已經通過台灣 NCC 認證。iPad mini 3 與 iPad Air 2 兩款型號分別是 A1599 以及 A1566,但目前僅有 Wi-Fi 網路版本,4G LTE 版本尚未通過 NCC 認證。

iPad Air 2 提供銀色、金色和太空灰三種顏色選擇,容量分別為 16GB、64GB、128GB,香港 Wi-Fi 版售價 HK$3,888 (台幣$15,513)、HK$4,688 (台幣$18,705)、HK$5,488 (台幣$21,897)。【愛瘋日報╱台灣報導】

iPad Air 2 唯一值得買的最好平板電腦

from 愛瘋日報:最專注的蘋果媒體 

LittleBrother: add iPhone 6 Plus-inspired scaling and a landscape Home screen to older iPhones

LittleBrother Landscape Home screen

And like clockwork, Ryan Petrich is at it again. His first headlining iOS 8 compatible tweak is called LittleBrother, and it seeks to add features enjoyed on Apple’s latest iPhone hardware to older devices like the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5s.

LittleBrother allows users to essentially do two things: adjust the display zoom scaling like the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus, and enable landscape mode features on the Home screen and even Lock screen.

I’ve been playing around with this new tweak for several hours, and I’m convinced that many iPhone 5 and 5s users are going to love it. It’s not without its shortcomings, but the promise is definitely there. Have a look at our full 60fps video walkthrough inside for more details.... Read the rest of this post here

from iDownloadBlog.com iDownloadBlog.com 

FCC documents reveal Apple-branded Beats Bluetooth Solo2 headphones

solo2 beats

Newly discovered FCC documents have leaked what may be the first Beats product released under Apple’s banner: Bluetooth-enabled Beats Solo2 headphones. First spotted by 9to5Mac, the new Solo2s look nearly identical to their predecessor, with the exception that they’re wireless.

The headphones will utilize Bluetooth Low Energy tech, and won’t be Beats’ first cordless can offering. The company has, for a while now, carried the Beats Studio Wireless–although looking at previous line pricing, it’s likely that the new Solo2 product will be a bit more affordable.... Read the rest of this post here

from iDownloadBlog.com iDownloadBlog.com 

IGN names ‘Ridge Racer Slipstream’ its Free Game of the Month

Ridge Racer Slipstream (iPhone screenshot 002)

Heads up gamers, IGN has named BANDAI NAMCO’s ‘Ridge Racer Slipstream’ its Free Game of the Month for November. So for those who missed it when it was Apple’s App of the Week earlier this year, you now have the chance to grab the popular game for free.

Normally priced at $2.99, Ridge Racer Slipstream recreates the ultimate arcade racing franchise on your iPhone and iPad with console-quality graphics and high octane gameplay. It includes 12 customizable cars, over 100 competitions and a lengthy career mode.... Read the rest of this post here

from iDownloadBlog.com iDownloadBlog.com 

Apple removes Fitbit products from online store

Fitbit Flex

Apple has followed through with plans to stop selling Fitbit devices. As noted by MacRumors, the company has pulled all Fitbit products from its online store and has begun removing them from the shelves of its retail stores as well.

Previously, Apple carried the Fitbit Flex fitness band and the classic Fitbit one, both of which connected to iOS devices. The reason behind the removals is unknown, but there does appear to be tension brewing between the two firms.... Read the rest of this post here

from iDownloadBlog.com iDownloadBlog.com

SphereView: an upcoming iOS SpringBoard launcher with a 3D feel

SphereView Top

SphereView is one of the more unique jailbreak tweaks that I’ve come across as of late. It is a SpringBoard replacement for launching apps, and it incorporates a 3D spherical view to do so.

It’s one of those tweaks that has to be seen in action to truly appreciate what it does and how much potential it may have. With that in mind, step inside and watch our hands-on video.... Read the rest of this post here

from iDownloadBlog.com iDownloadBlog.com 

Vevo’s iOS app gains Recently Watched, Google login, search improvements and more

Vevo 3.2 for iOS (iPhone screenshot 001)

Vevo, a video hosting service operated by a joint venture of Universal Music Group, Google, Sony Music Entertainment and Abu Dhabi Media, on Friday refreshed its iPhone and iPad application with a few new features.

You can now log in to the app using a Google Account and keep track of what you’ve watched in a new “Recently Watched” section. You should see improvements in Vevo’s search and visual tweaks on the browse page and artist pages.

from iDownloadBlog.com iDownloadBlog.com

HandyKey: a tweak that adds a one-handed keyboard to the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus


If you find it difficult to type on large screen iOS devices like the iPhone 6 Plus and the iPhone 6, then HandyKey is a jailbreak tweak that you may derive real benefits from. The tweak, which is available for $0.99 on Cydia’s BigBoss repo, brings the ability to add a one-handed keyboard for right-handed or left-handed iPhone users.

Users who use HandyKey have the option of forcing the iOS keyboard to always open to HandyKey when the keyboard is invoked, or a two-finger swipe gesture on the keyboard can be used to orientate it as needed. Have a look at our video inside for additional details and a hands-on demonstration.... Read the rest of this post here

from iDownloadBlog.com iDownloadBlog.com 


Apple apparently changes flash storage tech in 128GB iPhone 6 and 6 Plus over alleged issues

iPhone 6 front camera

Following unconfirmed reports that an unknown portion of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus units with 128 gigabytes of storage exhibit random boot looping and unexpected crashes, Apple has reportedly switched to using a different type of NAND flash technology.

The new iPhones use triple-level cell (TLC) NAND flash technology, but BusinessKorea reported Friday that the Cupertino firm will be switching to multi-level cell (MLC) NAND flash in the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus going forward.... Read the rest of this post here

from iDownloadBlog.com iDownloadBlog.com

聯想手機 S90 把三星和小米嚇傻了


聯想 S90 vs 蘋果 iPhone 6

from iPhone News 愛瘋了 

驚!華為榮耀6 「萬元以下平價」八核心 Cat.6 4G 逆天 C/P 值開箱


誇張的來囉!被譽為「萬元以下平價手機」且「性價比」 C/P 值遠超過大陸小米機的華為榮耀 6 終於正式來到台灣,建議售價僅僅新台幣 9,999 元,卻帶來海思 HiSilicon 新一代的八核心處理器 (Kirin 麒麟 920) 以及 3GB RAM、16GB ROM、500 萬畫素前置相機、1,300 萬畫素後方主相機與 5 吋的 1920 x 1080 全貼合 IPS 螢幕!規格簡直是強勁無比.....


華為「榮耀 6」的最大特色就是導入了自家所研發的海思 HiSilicon 八核心處理器 (Kirin 麒麟 920),以八核心 4 大、4 小 (A15 x 4 + A7 x 4),可在 CPU 的工作以及負荷之間自動進行調度,且在不同的組態之下可讓 GPU 圖形處理器提升 200% 的效能,但功率卻能降低 35%,具備 big.LITTLE 異構多任務架構、i3 集成傳感器以及 Hi-Fi3 獨立音效 DSP、Mali T628MP4 GPU 可以提供 4K 解析度的錄放影與全獨立硬體安全引擎,華為這款自主晶片除了是自己研發之外,也將許多的元件進行重新設計與封裝整合,使得機身也因此變得更輕薄,更為當前全球唯一可以支援 LTE CAT6 的手機晶片!


from :: ifans 3C | 林小旭 :: :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::

TC App Booster 讓 Android 系統更順暢、更快速的超簡便記憶體釋放管理工具


使用 Google Android 智慧型手機或平板電腦的您,是否會發現自己的 Android 裝置用久之後,感覺就變慢了呢?其實智慧型手機就像電腦一樣需要不定時整頓,而在手機或平板上可以使用「TC App Booster 記憶體釋放管理工具」來做一些清理,讓裝置上的記憶體釋放出較大的空間,且將一些用不到的暫存檔、垃圾檔進行清除,使 Android 裝置系統效能保持在水準之上,如此一來不僅可以更加順暢、速度更快,也能夠更省電唷 ^^


全中文的「TC App Booster 記憶體釋放管理工具」可以在 Google Play 上面「免費」下載,只要搜尋「TC App Booster」即可輕鬆找到,而且所有功能與頁面在執行中都沒有廣告干擾,也沒有強制外掛程式來逼您買一送一,不過這套好用的工具僅在 Google Play 上面才有唷 ^^


from :: ifans 3C | 林小旭 :: :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::

Google Drive 3.3.0 版支援 Touch ID 和 iPhone 6

Google 公司今天釋出 iOS 版 Google 雲端硬碟 3.3.0 版本更新,讓 Google Drive App 能使用 iOS 8 系統 iPhone 和 iPadTouch ID 為「雲端硬碟」解鎖,並可使用其他應用程式開啟「雲端硬碟」中的檔案或將檔案儲存至「雲端硬碟」。

免費網路硬碟 Google Drive 3.3.0 版新增功能還包括:可將「Google 雲端硬碟」中的影片儲存到您的裝置上,支援 iPhone 6 和 iPhone 6 Plus 手機,修正錯誤並改善效能與 iOS 8 相容性。

點擊下載 Google Drive 3.3.0

from 愛瘋日報:最專注的蘋果媒體 

Mark Zuckerberg explains why you had to download Messenger as a separate app

Mark Zuckerberg (image 001)

Facebook took a lot of heat back in July when it disabled messaging from the main Facebook app, forcing users to download the standalone Messenger app if they wanted to keep using the social network to send direct messages to friends and family. To most people, the move went vastly misunderstood, and it didn’t help that the company stayed mum about it. At least until now, because in a Q&A session earlier today transcribed by The Verge, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg finally addressed the issue. The reason? It’s all about removing friction.... Read the rest of this post here

from iDownloadBlog.com iDownloadBlog.com 

Apple TV updated with new CBS News channel

cbs news 1

Apple today added the CBS News channel to the ever-expanding library of content on its Apple TV. The app was pushed OTA and automatically, so users in areas where the channel is available should notice the addition without having to update their software.

The move coincides with the launch of CBS’ new CBSN streaming news network, which is being billed as the “first live anchored news network across all leading digital platforms.” Strangely enough, CBS doesn’t mention the Apple TV in the official press release.... Read the rest of this post here

from iDownloadBlog.com iDownloadBlog.com 

Swype keyboard is temporarily free in the App Store

Swype keyboard themes

I have a love/hate relationship with third-party keyboards. On the one hand, they theoretically provide a better way to input text on your iOS device. On the other, I’ve found them to actually make me waste more time than I would using the stock keyboard. But I’m not giving up yet on keyboards, especially on Swype, which has been my favorite one so far.

Normally priced at $0.99, Swype is currently available for free in the App Store for a limited time. If you aren’t familiar with Swype, check out Lory’s first look at the third-party keyboard. Since she published it, the app has also been updated with support for more languages and improved iPad layout, making it an even more solid option.... Read the rest of this post here

from iDownloadBlog.com iDownloadBlog.com

Google Maps 4.0為iOS 8優化換上Material設計

美國谷哥 (Google) 公司今天推出 iOS 版 Google Maps 4.0 更新,為 iPhone 和 iPad 地圖換上 Material 設計並針對 iOS 8 進行最佳化調整。

Google Maps 4.0 新功能包括:全新的 Material 質感設計,陰影效果、明亮的色彩設計讓圖形更醒目、操作更流暢且觸感更靈敏。另外只要 Uber 安裝應用程式,即可查看 Uber 叫車服務的預計候車時間和乘車費用。

點擊下載 Google Maps 4.0

from 愛瘋日報:最專注的蘋果媒體 

Filippo Bigarella teases Springtomize for iOS 8

Springtomize iOS 8

Is this enough to get you to take the plunge? I know it will be for Sebastien, and perhaps even Cody. Springtomize for iOS 8 was officially teased by well-known and (well-liked) developer, Filippo Bigarella.

Springtomize is the type of tweak that lets you customize virtually every aspect of your iPhone’s SpringBoard, hence the name “Spring” (SpringBoard) and “tomize” (Customize). We’ve done extensive reviews of this extremely popular tweak in the past, so if you’re not familiar with it, I advise you to get up to speed and review our Springtomize coverage.

If you’ve yet to jailbreak, will this be enough to push you over the edge?... Read the rest of this post here

from iDownloadBlog.com iDownloadBlog.com 



美國微軟 (Microsoft) 公司今天釋出 iOS 版 Office 1.2 版更新,開放只要以免費的 Microsoft 帳戶登入,就能免費使用 Word、Excel 和 PowerPoint 免費建立和編輯文件、簡報與試算表,並且升級支援 iPhone 和 iPod touch。

Microsoft Word 1.2 版新增功能包括:支援開啟、編輯和儲存來自 Dropbox 的文件,可以在您的 iPhone 6 和 iPod touch 上完美運作 Office App。在 iPhone 上可以選擇實際文件版面配置,或易讀版面配置。透過新增或移除標題、圖例、座標軸標題等圖表元素來自訂圖表。

點擊下載 Word for iOS
點擊下載 PowerPoint for iOS
點擊下載 Excel for iOS

from 愛瘋日報:最專注的蘋果媒體 

Runtastic‘s new iPhone app improves your sleep habits

Runtastic Sleep Better 1.0 for iOS (iPhone screenshot 001)

Runtastic on Thursday released an interesting new iPhone application in the App Store which focuses on improving your sleep habits without using a wearable device, bedside sensor or any kind of special hardware.

The new Sleep Better software is fully integrated with Apple’s HealthKit platform so it can optionally upload your sleep data to Apple’s Health app on iOS 8, allowing you to access and view all of your health and fitness data on one comprehensive dashboard.

Tapping the iPhone’s many sensors and supporting Airplane mode, Sleep Better not only tracks your sleep patterns such as Cycles, Duration and Efficiency, it also tracks moon phases and offers Smart Alarm and Wake-Up Window features and more.

Sleep Better is available free in the App Store, with advanced features locked behind a one-time In-App Purchase.... Read the rest of this post here

from iDownloadBlog.com iDownloadBlog.com 

Mooncast adds the current moon phase to Notification Center

Mooncast 1

In general, most of us take the moon for granted. It’s always there. All we have to do is look up at night to see it (depending on the time of the night and the moon’s phase). Some people claim that it has an effect on how we act.

Mooncast is a simple app that displays an image of the moon in its current phase with a few additional bits of information about its status in the night’s sky. The app recently received a major update that adds the moon’s phase to your Notification Center’s Today view.... Read the rest of this post here

from iDownloadBlog.com iDownloadBlog.com 

蘋果推出為企業量身打造的 AppleCare 服務

在美國 Apple 公司與 IBM 電腦宣佈合作進軍企業市場三個月後,今天 Apple 正式推出「AppleCare Enterprise (企業版) 」,提供企業用戶全天候的電話支援,以及優先上門維修服務,並有專屬的 AppleCare 客戶經理每月提供活動報告。

企業版 AppleCare」會由獲派的一位 AppleCare 客戶經理協助你評估 IT 基礎架構,追蹤可能遇到的問題,以及提供關於技術支援通話與維修服務的月度活動報告。並提供 IT 部門級保障服務,涵蓋所有 Apple 硬體和軟體產品,包括 MDM 和 Active Directory,緊急服務會在 1 小時內進行回覆。

Apple 聯手 IBM 將 iPhone、iPad 推向企業市場
查看企業版 AppleCare 全部條款和條件

from 愛瘋日報:最專注的蘋果媒體

Pangu team: Mac version of the iOS 8 jailbreak due in a couple of days

Pangu Mac

Good news for Mac users who have been unable to jailbreak due to the lack of a native Mac jailbreak tool for iOS 8.x: The Pangu team has heard your cries, and is gearing up for an OS X release.

In a Twitter post just a few minutes ago, the PanguTeam Twitter account acknowledged the release of Cydia 1.1.16, and followed that acknowledgement up with some insight on the status of the Mac jailbreak. Have a look at the details inside…... Read the rest of this post here

from iDownloadBlog.com iDownloadBlog.com 

iOS 8 還值得安裝的 8 款 Cydia 軟體

iAcces 輸入法、蘋果 SBSettings (通知+控制中心)、第三方 Widget 小工具、BiteSMS 互動式訊息和 Touch ID 指紋辨識都開放了,iOS 8 越獄的理由還剩下?

如果你是一個新手或剛買 iPhone 6,實在不建議你越獄,因為在你還沒完整體驗 iOS 的強大功能前,就已經開始要面對越獄後造成的不穩定和耗電等小問題。

iOS 8 值得安裝的 Cydia 軟體

如果你非得 JB 越獄的話,下面有 8 款值得安裝的 Cydia 軟體介紹給大家,屬於實用類型居多。至於美化的 WinterBoard 或改字型 BytaFont 2 就不推薦了,雖然感覺比較酷炫,不過這些往往是造成占用資源、不穩定、白蘋果、閃退和錯誤的原因。


第一款當然首推經典老牌 Cydia 軟體,由 Ryan Petrich 所開發的 Activator。安裝後它能讓你到 iOS 的「設定>Activator」裡,自定螢幕點一下、點二下、向左滑、向右滑、按住不放等各種觸控手勢操作,完全取代 Home 鍵來使用,而且 Activator 可以和很多 Cydia 軟體搭配使用,算是越獄後不可或缺的基礎軟體。

Apple File Conduit"2"

越獄後無非就是想要客製化 iPhone,那如果少了這款「Apple File Conduit"2"」就很難深度自定,因為要安裝這款軟體才能在電腦上使用 iFunBox 或 iTools 編輯 iOS 設備的系統文件。由 Cydia 之父 Jay Freeman 所發布的這款「Apple File Conduit"2"」程式,已經取代過去多年所使用的 afc2add。


如果你想在 iOS 8 的主畫面下方 Dock 區放進 5 個 App,就需要安裝這款由 Redpandadev 所開發的「betterFiveIconDock」,軟體源「http://ift.tt/1si6CFB iPhone 6 / iPhone 6 Plus 想放進 6 款 App 的話,可以安裝由 kindadev 所開發的「Six Icon Dock for iPhone 6」,軟體源「http://ift.tt/1po06lg(iPhone 5s Dock 區如何放進五個 APP)


如果你想美化 iPhone 界面右上角的電池圖標,但又不想動用到 WinterBoard 的話,可以安裝這款由 magn2o 所開發的「Alkaline」。它除了內建 3 款電池圖標外,也能自己繪製或到 Cydia 安裝現成的圖標使用。

CCSettings for iOS 8

沒辦法在 iOS 8 下方的控制中心快速開關 3G、定位覺得很不舒服嗎?那只要安裝這款由 plipala 所開發的「CCSettings for iOS 8」,不管在控制中心想放 3G、定位,或是VPN、關機、重啟、截圖、一鍵刪除背景 App 或自動鎖定都可以,而且能自由調整功能排列順序。(或是安裝「FlipControlCenter」也可以)


如果想把左上角中華、遠傳、台哥電信字樣,換成自己喜歡圖案的話,可以安裝這款由 Alex Zielenski 所開發的「Zeppelin」,支援最新 iOS 8 系統。


這款由 iKy1e 所開發的免費軟體「SwipeSelection」,能讓你用滑動手勢來移動游標和選取文字,能大大加快 iPhone / iPad 打字輸入速度。

Lock Screen Tool

這款由 Youssef Eid 所開發的「Lock Screen Tool」軟體,除了能修改 iPhone 解鎖畫面的滑動文字外,還能隱藏相機、日期、時間和各種解鎖畫面元素。

如果你還想要折騰,不怕閃退、白蘋果、卡頓就是要徹底玩轉 iOS 8 的話,還可以安裝螢幕色溫調整「f.lux」、電池用量統計「DetailedBatteryUsage」、指紋辨識插件「Virtual Home」、神魔之塔自動轉珠「EASimulateTower for iOS8」、酷炫翻頁特效「Barrel」或「Cylinder」、電話界面美化「SleekPhone」、自定狀態列「StatusModifier」和能快速刪除 Cydia 軟體的「PrefDelete」,之後支援 iOS 8 的 Cydia Tweak 會越來越多。


iOS 8 JB越獄優化,iPhone完全強化攻略

Cydia 為什麼叫 Cydia?能用來做什麼

from iPhone News 愛瘋了 

升級後變慢?讓 iPhone 4s 與 iPad 2 更順暢的 iOS 8.1.1 要來囉!

螢幕截圖 2014-11-06 10.27.01

升級到 iOS 8 之後,覺得速度變慢嗎?這個狀況與哀嚎,蘋果聽到了!最新的 iOS 8.1.1 測試版已經釋出,主要的更新是針對 iPhone 4s 與 iPad 2、iPad mini 第一代進行優化,讓較舊的 iOS 裝置可以運行更順暢!

Youtube 上已經有開發者測試 iOS 8.1.1 在 iPhone 4s 與 iPad 2 等等舊款設備上的運行測試,從影片上看來 iOS 8.1.1 測試版已經大幅改善順暢度,使用較舊設備且已經升級 iOS 8 的回不去使用者們,救贖即將來到囉!

如果您覺得這一篇文章對您有幫助,可否為我按個讚或加入 ifans 粉絲團呢 ^^

from :: ifans 3C | 林小旭 :: :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 

How to stop iTunes from automatically syncing when you connect your iPhone

Syncing iPhone

A couple weeks after getting my new iMac, I am still tweaking the preferences of many applications so they work the way I want them to. I recently shared a way to stop iPhoto from automatically launching when you plug your iPhone in, and today, I will share with you a similar tip to stop iTunes from automatically syncing when you connect your iPhone. As often with these specific settings, the solution is simple but it might not always be obvious to everyone.

There are actually two ways to go at it. The first method is device-specific, meaning that you can tell iTunes not to sync when a specific device (ie. your iPhone) is being plugged in. The other method works with any iOS device you plug in.... Read the rest of this post here

from iDownloadBlog.com iDownloadBlog.com 

Google Maps for iOS revamped with Android’s Material Design UI

Google Maps for iOS (Material Design 001)

Keen on deploying Android Lollipop‘s Material Design across its mobile apps on all platforms, Google on Wednesday announced a new version of Google Maps for the iPhone and iPad featuring engaging animations, shadows and depth.

The fresh new design is all about creating surfaces and shadows that echo the real world, the search monster said. With Google Maps’ new material feel, layers and buttons “come to life so you know just where to touch to get directions, recommendations and imagery”.

The update will be rolling out over the next few days.

Google Maps is available free in the App Store.... Read the rest of this post here

from iDownloadBlog.com iDownloadBlog.com